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- 3214Y00F05basic32NFishboy's Musical Analysis
- 3201NFishboy/Panda
- 0814Y00F05topaz08N
- 0801N
- 0801NHeavy Metal is a very popular type of music and its sound is very hard to
- 0801Ndefine. Hopefully the following definintion will clear things up a bit:
- 0801N
- 0801NImagine that Phyliss out of Coronation Street is raped by a particularly
- 0801Ndeep throated horse. Now imagine that the unfortunate child is put up for
- 0801Nadoption and raised by urban foxes in Bradford where he is hauled off the
- 0801Nstreets at the age of twelve by a social worker and forced to work in a
- 0801Nslaughter house. Now imagine this child goes to the University Of Newport
- 0801N(that well known centre of learning) where he is taught psychology by a
- 0801Nstrangely bitter mountain ape.
- 0801N
- 0801NUpon leaving university this unfortunate freak finds solace by singing in the
- 0801Nstreets for money and meets up with a tramp who has built his own drum kit
- 0801Nout of toenail clippings and whose main method of play consits of banging his
- 0801Nhead against them like a demented dolphin who's seen a small edible fish
- 0801Npainted on a wall. Now imagine that these two pieces of radioactive horse
- 0801Nspewtum meet up with two hyperactive baboons who have stolen guitars,
- 0801Nplugged them into the biggest amps they could get their furry little faces on
- 0801Nand then proceeded to wipe their shit stained behinds with them.
- 0801N
- 0801NThat is what heavy metal sounds like. If the above is too hard (or
- 0801Ndisturbing) to picture then imagine a Sex Pistols record played either very
- 0801Nslowly or very fast in reverse with an alarmingly deep voiced Welshman
- 0801Nsinging random passages out of the bible in an incomprehensible accent dubbed
- 0801Nover it, the two sound very much the same...
- 0801N
- 0801NNot all heavy metal bands are that bad though. Out of the thousands currently
- 0801Nin existance at least, er... eight ar'nt completely shite. The funniest Heavy
- 0801NMetal band in the world is probably Iron Maiden.
- 0801N
- 0801NIron Maiden are the Status Quo of heavy metal bands in that they are shit but
- 0801Nrefuse to go away. All their songs sound the same and several are drenched in
- 0801Na layer of super cliched, super heavy cheese. They have been around for far
- 0801Nlonger then they should ever have been and have somehow managed to release
- 0801Nthe same album 13 times. Iron Maiden's case is not helped by the lack of
- 0801Nseriousness in their songs, take for example "Can I Play with Madness", a
- 0801Nsong about a small boy who wants to be on the same football team as a popular
- 0801Neighties ska band, or "The Aftermath", a song about curry.
- 0801N
- 0801NINDIE:
- 0801N
- 0801NIndie doesn't mean anything. Its just a word somebody made up to piss people
- 0801Noff. This person also instructed many people to go around and as soon as
- 0801Nsomebody says Indie they leap out and say: "Of course Indie really means
- 0801Nindependent label", like some great, fat, grinning arse. 9 out of 10 Oasis
- 0801Nfans like going on about how they are cool because they support Indie music
- 0801Nalthough I hate to point out that the noise of a budgie trying to sing with a
- 0801Nfrench loaf stuffed up its arse accompanied by some ripped off sixties easy
- 0801Nlistening music is not really representitive of a large perportion of
- 0801Nindependent artists.
- 0801N
- 0801NPUNK:
- 0801N
- 0801NIt is a complete mystery to me why I and anybody else on this planet buys
- 0801Npunk records. The average punk band sounds like the Foo Fighters played at
- 0801N240bpm with Old Man Steptoe doing an impression of his retarded nephew
- 0801Nsinging over the top. And yet people like them. All punk albums have at least
- 0801N30 songs on them and last no longer then half an hour. There are many
- 0801Ndifferent types of Punk music some of which I have attempted to catalogue
- 0801Nhere:
- 0801N
- 0801NHardcore Punk: Really loud punk music, 95% of all Hardcore Punk songs mean
- 0801Nthis: 'The world is a big festering pile of horse turd and we hate it
- 0801Nalthough since we are of no real worth we spend our lives getting paid
- 0801Nobscene amounts of money for singing badly and jumping up and down screaming
- 0801N"FUCK ARMAGEDDON THIS IS HELL" at the top of our incredibly silly voices'.
- 0801NSoCal Punk: Like Hardcore Punk except with the bass player constantly
- 0801Nrepeating the word: "AWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAAAAAWAAWAYEAHHHH!!!!" In the
- 0801Nbackground over and over again. Intrestingly nobody knows what SoCal means.
- 0801NSka Punk: Not to be taken too seriously, any band that sounds like the
- 0801NBuzzcocks crossed with Madness has got to be taking the piss.
- 0801NIndie Punk: If looked up in a thesaurus the correct definition is: "Any band
- 0801Nnot sounding like LUSH", or in some other thesaurus: "What to call a band if
- 0801Nyou have no bloody clue what they are but are trying to impress people with
- 0801Nyour vast musical knowledge..."
- 0801NThrobbing Dong Hardcore: This does'nt exist, its just the record company
- 0801Nbeing silly.
- 0801N
- 0801NOASIS:
- 0801N
- 0801NStop it, Its not funny anymore...
- 0801N
- 0801NGRUNGE:
- 0801N
- 0801NGrunge means, any band who have a lead singer who reminds you vaguely of
- 0801NCree McCree out of the Spin Doctors. Nirvana were different... Nirvana
- 0801Ncould'nt quite make up their mind whether they were a punk band or the early
- 0801N"Jesus and Mary Chain" but even more depressed but with a huge red hot
- 0801Nbranding iron stuffed up Jim Rieds arse. Why they could'nt make up their
- 0801Nmind is unknown.
- 0801NWhy Nirvana are so popular is not quite clear because on almost every single
- 0801Nsong Dave Grohl demonstrates why his nickname at school was Ringo Star, Kurt
- 0801NCobain just screams "STAY AWAY, STAY AWAY, STAY AWAY!" at the top of his
- 0801Nvoice like a leper in the midst of a heavy sneezing fit and Kris Novaselic
- 0801Ndoes'nt even bother to plug his guitar in. This is ridiculous, this the
- 0801Nequivelent of a band with a lead singer who sounds like a tortured cat
- 0801Nsinging crap songs that are just rip-offs of obscure sixties songs getting to
- 0801Nnumber one again and again. Oh... So maybe it is'nt that ridiculous after
- 0801Nall...
- 0801N
- 0801NIntrestingly enougth Kurt Cobain was cremated and carried around by Courtney
- 0801NLove for a while. At one point in an airport she was asked to open the urn he
- 0801Nwas contained in by a security officer who suspected her of carrying drugs at
- 0801Nwhich part a gust of wind blew half of them away. Strange really that Kurt
- 0801NCobains final resting place was in a security officers moustache...
- *!EOF